Getting your headshots shouldn't be a chore.  It should be a relaxing - if not fun - experience.  Where (for a couple of stress free hours anyway) the world revolves around you.  And how you look.  And what you want.  And whether or not you're having a good hair day.  How often does that happen?


[not ur typical] SESSION

I don't really have a standard approach - it differs from person to person, depending on what he/she is looking for (or what his/her agent is looking for).  We may spend the entire time in-studio.  Or spend the entire time on location.  Or do a little of both.  We might get everything in one afternoon, or spread it over two days.  We may cater to a casting director's request.  Or only pretend to (and still get a really cool shot).

No matter what, though - we'll start with a consultation (or two) to get to know each other before the session.  And in the end, you'll walk away with a bundle of retouched headshots - chosen from several hundred proofs.

In between?  Lots of snaps (lots).  Wardrobe changes.  Music.  And hopefully more than a few giggles.


[I'd do it all for free] BUT

my accountant won't let me.  So I have to charge.  I promise it won't hurt.  I can also hook you up with an affordable (and very good) hair and make-up person, who will work within your budget.

To book an appointment, http://angiesperanza.com/pricing .