On November 10, 2014, I launched a 3-day photo campaign called "LIKE MEANS LOVE" - to raise money for the Coalition for the Homeless (CFTH). All proceeds helped buy Thanksgiving turkeys (and other holiday/winter necessities) for homeless men and women in the New York City area.
The campaign was simple. Each day (for three days), I posted a new set of photos on Facebook - and for each “LIKE” the post (or re-post) got, a kind-hearted sponsor generously donated $1 or $2.
The posted photos were of the Coalition’s Grand Central Food Program (GCFP), which distributes 1,000 hot meals a night to the city’s homeless and hungry, 365 nights a year. For more information, please visit their website, http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/our-programs/food/grand-central-food-program/